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jack jones
best book i've read in many years.
and you gotta read this.
10 June 2024 - Indianapolis Indiana

Bobby Veal
I read this book and like the author said, I did become a child again.
Then as I read I grew older and saw the truth about God and Country.
This book pulls no punches and opens the reader's eyes to a mystery to an ending with a love story that lives on even after death.
The truth hurts when you realize how corrupt our federal government really is.

Don't know where they have been hiding this book? Get a copy and read it! Read it!
You wouldn't be sorry.
21 July 2022 - Dayton Ohio

Michael Zan
Finally, a guy writes a book that tells it all.

This book makes you think, laugh, and cry and if you stay true to the book from start to finish you’ll see what all Americans should be thinking and doing as we watch our country fall from the riches country in the world to a third world country.

If you don’t know what makes children mature to honor their parents and their country, just maybe you’ll learn.

This is one of a kind book, probably never be another like this one, take it from me, I’ve read several thousands and never once have I cried and wanted to laugh at the same time.

Get with it and read it.
5 February 2022 - Indianapolis Indiana

big john
great book true then and true today and hope not in the future , we must trust God to change the American Congress and drain the swamp
24 August 2021 - Myrtle Beach SC

William Burk
.I read this book several years ago, and the author‘s thoughts somehow were hidden over the years in the back of my brain. So, with that in mind, and the dirty politics in our election system, I took the book from my book shelf and read it again.

Wow, this guy knew America, everything, and he put it all between the book covers. The good, the bad, and the ugly! To beat it all, he uses two mystery children from childhood to becoming adults sharing their laughter, the crying pain of death, religion, our wars, 9/11, illegal aliens, high school, corrupt federal appointed judges, and, an American Congress swimming in the stinking slim of a snake filled Swamp.

Please take my advice! Do not snoop around, and read any of this book’s pages out of order, front page to back page is a must or you’ll screw up the mystery, the meaning. You can’t read a small segment and come back weeks later, or you’ll never figure out, who, where or ID the mystery people.

Got It!
6 January 2021 - Dallas, TX

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